Friday, February 22, 2013


I am SUPER behind on blogging, but I couldn't wait to post this news!  About three weeks ago I started using AR in my first grade classroom.  I tried AR for a brief time last year and quickly gave up. (Not what I usually do!)  So I have had lots of time to think about ways to get the kids excited about AR and train them on using the program.  My first priority was getting an organized system!  Here is our AR Library.

Each team has a bucket of leveled AR books to choose from.  Each student also has an AR log located in the red bucket to the right.  I require the students to read the book at least two times.   Then they fill out a sheet on the book. (Located in the fiction and nonfiction buckets on top)  The students also record the book in their log before testing on the computer. Here are the forms we are using in our logs. If you would like a free download, click here

I also include a laminated card with the student's log in information inside each reading log folder.  The first week of implementation basically consisted of learning where to get and store the materials, and how to fill out the forms before testing.  However, I noticed some students needed a little more motivation to get on the AR bandwagon!  I decided I needed some sort of visual to help the students see their progress.  My wonderful assistant came up with the perfect idea!

It is hard to see in this picture, but each student has a pirate with their name.  As they earn AR points, their pirate moves down the number line.  As soon as I got this board up and explained the concept, OFF THEY WENT!  I'm so excited to announce that after two and a half weeks our class total of AR points is .......

WOW!!  I'm so proud of all of my boys and girls!!  I can't wait to share this news with them on Monday!  Most of the books they read are worth 0.5 AR points.  This is one happy teacher!!  I can't wait to see where they go with AR this year!

I would love to hear if and how you use this program or a similar program in your school! I love new ideas!!


  1. Thanks very much for sharing. I came across your story elements worksheet on pinterest. It will be very useful.
