This week I'm am teaching my kids to use big "college" words like "D-e-c-l-a-r-a-t-i-v-e". We have focused on statements, questions, and exclamations this year, but it is time to get SMART! So now we are working on these big fancy words. To help, I created some fun owl posters for our class. WE LOVE OWLS!
We reviewed these in whole group, and I introduced the new "college" words. Then, in one of our small groups, we sorted sentences into three types: declarative, exclamatory, and interrogative. With my higher groups, we also created our own sentences for each type.
This one is for those of you that are familiar with Soso, MS. One of my boys is turning 7 this weekend and here is his exclamatory sentence. LOVE IT!
Visit one of my stores to pick up these posters, lables, and differentiated sentence activities!
Happy February!
5 years ago
I love the things you have created. I bought almost everything that was in your TN shop. I would like to follow your blog but I'm not seeing anything under the "followers" heading. I hope you will continue creating activities=I will check back later. Liz in South Dakota
Thank you so much for your order!! I have only had my shop up and going for a little over a week, and I am so excited with the response! I hope to keep posting and sharing! I am new to the blogging world, but I think you click on "Join this Site" above followers. Let me know if it doesn't work and I will ask around. Thanks again for your support!!
Kerrie I would LOVE to have these!!! Our district has an adopted vocabulary curriculum and these are all words we have to use on an almost daily basis. It would be fantastic to have these in my room, laminated to refer to all the time!! So cute!
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