So throughout the week, we have started decorating the classroom for summer... wait summer? I can't believe this year is almost over! During the digging, we found a red fish net and lots of laminated fish which were screaming "FIND US AN ACTIVITY!" So... we did! We created a sentence scramble game, and it was a hit!
I started by pinning the fish net over the cubbies. This made for a fun place to unscramble the sentences!
Then I used the laminated fish to create the sentences and sorted them into three bags. Each bag contains one declarative, one exclamatory, and one interrogative sentence.
I put clothespins in one basket for the students to use for hanging the fish. Here are the cute labels for the bags!
And of course they had to have something to record all this on, so here ya go!
The kids really enjoyed going fishing today! If you are interested in the complete activity visit my store TN or TPT store!
Happy February!
5 years ago
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